So after reading through the forums at Greenleaf, I was hooked on the idea. I promptly ordered it and then began to look for inspiration.
Pinterest is, by far, one of my most favorite sites ever. I could spend hours on there, looking at all sorts of things. It's seriously become my new Google. If an idea pops into my head, I think "let me check Pinterest first."And usually, something is there.
Well, after spending some time surfing the old Internets, I came up with a wonderful design. It seemed like everything I wanted and I couldn't wait to do it. My Fling arrived at my house and I immediately tore into it, ready to make it all happen. And I tried. I tried hard. But my idea just didn't work. So I scrapped it and came up with another idea. And tried that. And it didn't work.
Finally, I realized that my process was all wrong. I was drawing up ideas and plans and then going to the structure and seeing how it worked. I mean, it looked great on paper, but as soon as I started trying to configure the pieces around, it just didn't work.
So I finally decided to reverse the process. Let the structure be the inspiration. And that seemed to go smoother. So I think we've finally settled on an idea. I've mocked it up with cardboard boxes (and now there may or may not be any cereal boxes left in the pantry - sorry Honey!) and I think we've got it.
So hopefully later this week, I can show you a bit of what I'm thinking. It's challenging, but so exciting!